Financial Assistance
For those who need financial aid in order to enroll at HNS, the school provides for limited tuition assistance based on family income guidelines. Once applications are received, the financial aid committee meets to go over all applications and make awards. Awards are dependent upon the number of applications received, and the amount of money in the financial aid fund at that time.
Please contact the Director if you are interested in receiving assistance, and if you have any questions about the financial aid process.
For those able to contribute to the education of children in need, donations to the tuition assistance fund are gratefully accepted. Checks can be made out to Harpswell Community Nursery School with “tuition assistance fund” in the memo line, and they may be mailed to:
Lauren Akeley-Taylor, Director
Harpswell Nature School
917 Harpswell Neck Road
Harpswell, ME 04076
The HNS Tuition Assistance form can be found here: